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E-Cell 3
E-Cell Project is an international research project aiming to model and reconstruct biological phenomena in silico, and developing necessary theoretical supports, technologies and software platforms to allow precise whole cell simulation.
2007-01-27, 9851🔥, 0💬

Cascading Style Sheets Tutorial
A brief introduction to CSS that will allow you to find out what style sheet are, and what they can do for your pages. A quick reference table for the css properties! Use the style attribute inside an HTML tag to define styles.
2006-04-11, 9849🔥, 0💬

TRAVEL.com is one of the world's most extensive travel sites. Low fares for worldwide airline tickets, hotels reservations, car rentals, ...
2006-02-24, 9846🔥, 0💬

UEStudio / UltraEdit / UltraCompare / UltraSentry - Text Editor,
UltraEdit the #1 selling, most powerful, value priced text editor available! The ideal text, HEX, HTML, PHP, Java, Perl, Javascript, and programmer's editor! Free trial period... Industry award winner... Over one million users licensed worldwide
2006-04-06, 9838🔥, 0💬

Vienna RNA Package
RNA Secondary Structure Prediction and Comparison.
2007-01-27, 9832🔥, 0💬

Cn3D is a helper application for your web browser that allows you to view 3-dimensional structures from NCBI's Entrez retrieval service.
2007-01-26, 9829🔥, 0💬

MOIL is a molecular modeling software, which is in the public domain, and is written in the group of Ron Elber. Available features, such as energy calculations, minimization and calculations of classical trajectories. Graphic User Interface for a wide ran
2007-01-26, 9827🔥, 0💬

Sferyx Java Applet HTML Editor, Browser Based Online WYSIWYG
Sferyx JSyndrome HTMLEditor Applet Edition is a full featured WYSIWYG HTML / XHTML Editor Java Applet designed to satisfy the requirements of developers and webmasters that need to incorporate advanced HTML authoring into websites and Content Management
2006-04-06, 9826🔥, 0💬

An international group of biological data hosts, biological data service providers, and coders whose aim is to set standards for biological data representation, distribution, and discovery.
2007-01-26, 9822🔥, 0💬

HTML and CSS Dog Guides - HTML Dog
There are six guides covering the length and breadth of HTML and CSS. The Beginner's Guides are step-by-step tutorials, whereas the Intermediate and Advanced Guides contain stand-alone tips, tricks and best-practice techniques.
2006-04-11, 9820🔥, 0💬

Mozilla Editor
The Mozilla editor provides HTML and plain text editing functionality in Gecko-based applications. Internally, the editor code manipulates page content primarily using DOM calls, so it is a true DOM-savvy editor. It also supports IME (international text
2006-04-06, 9820🔥, 0💬

Code Style: Media monitor for media dependent Cascading Style Sh
Projecting your style is a guide to the use of projection media stylesheets, as supported by the Opera Web browser. This article looks at the main methods for attaching projection media stylesheets, how to work around browser compatibility issues and comp
2006-04-11, 9816🔥, 0💬

CSS Panic Guide
This is not a complete resource, this is a fast resource. These are the sites that I refer to first, and that I tell people to read. When you want more, just about all of them have their own links to good sites.
2006-04-11, 9815🔥, 0💬

The PSA Protein Structure Prediction Server
The Protein Sequence Analysis (PSA) server predicts probable secondary structures and folding classes for a given amino acid sequence.
2007-02-06, 9814🔥, 0💬

TraX (Trajectory eXplorer) is a simple Biodesigner-like program working under Linux and Windows. The program allows reading a protein folding simulation trajectory (TRA file) and saving a single frame as a PDB file.
2007-01-26, 9803🔥, 0💬

Swiss-PdbViewer is an application that provides a user friendly interface allowing to analyze several proteins at the same time. The proteins can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and compare their active sites or any other relevant
2007-01-26, 9802🔥, 0💬

NYPL: Style Guide
This Style Guide for the Branch Libraries of the New York Public Library explains the markup and design requirements for all Branch Libraries web projects, along with various standards and best practices.
2006-04-11, 9794🔥, 0💬

Software Dev FYI Center
Are you a developer? Are you looking for information about your career? This is the right place for you. Just browse through the site, you will find the best developer information on the Web our team has selected and edited for you.
2006-02-24, 9789🔥, 0💬

These pages give general info about the CSS-guide, how topic groups relate with each others, last updates of pages, functionality of pages. Used colors, special markups and links in the CSS-guide have an own page.
2006-04-11, 9788🔥, 0💬

Stag Weekends and Stag Parties
Chillisauce offer custom made stag weekends, stag parties, hen nights, corporate events and team building days.
2006-04-26, 9787🔥, 0💬

Learning HTML for Kids of All Ages
Welcome to Learning HTML For Kids. This tutorial attempts to teach the young (10 years old and up) about the markup language HTML. I have tried to present the information in the simplest of terms so that it can be easily digested.
2006-04-08, 9786🔥, 0💬

Complete CSS Guide - Cascading style sheets reference - Contents
Welcome to the Complete CSS Guide, a reference to every aspect of cascading style sheets. If you need help learning CSS or if you're looking for info about selectors, properties and all the other aspects of cascading style sheets, this is the place.
2006-04-11, 9785🔥, 0💬

Mercury Loadrunner
Discussion of issues related to Mercury Interactive's LoadRunner load testing tool.
2006-03-06, 9781🔥, 0💬

Oracle DBA FAQ - Introduction to Oracle Database 10g Express Edi
This is a collection of FAQ for Oracle DBA on Oracle 10g Express Edition with installation and basic introduction. The clear answers and sample scripts provided can be used as learning tutorials or interview preparation guides.
2006-04-29, 9776🔥, 0💬

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